Wednesday, May 5, 2010

RANT!: Flaming on Twitter

Okay, so today, I was on Twitter today, and I noticed a certain someone (not going to give his name away) flaming my brother on Twitter for no particular reason. That's right, for no particular reason. My first reaction, I was furious. This guy who flamed my brother obviously didn't know who the person was so he just went:

"Fuck it, I'm gonna assume it's Brandon. Now I shall call him sexist, racist and many other hurtful names! That'll show him!".

Okay dude, lay off. First of all, I'm in the exact same room with him and he never made that account that you thought was him. The person who made that account was my friend named Darris Reid. If you noticed, his pic was a Kingdom Hearts character which Darris is a HUGE fan of. Me and Brandon have played the KH games and we never really got far in it. (By that, I mean we never even fought the first boss).

Personally, I think you are in a state of delusion. Instead of asking him, you jumped on him and began to berate him, making him seem like a piece of shit. Do you honestly think he would have done that? Only you would think that, because you're lonely.

I'm just so sick and tired of this crap and seeing this shit, makes me want to quit Twitter entirely because if people can't act in a polite manner, then what the fuck is the point? Is this what we want Twitter to be like? To be filled with hateful and delusional people. No. I don't think we do.

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