Wednesday, May 5, 2010

RANT!: Justin Bieber on Twitter

Alright, so it's no surprise that Justin Bieber is a trending topic on Twitter. You can even look right now, and see that he's on there. I'm not particularly sure when he became a trending topic, but a lot of people are rather whining about how he's a trending topic on Twitter, or how he's a fag.

Now this didn't bother me at first, but now it has to stop. I'm not saying that Justin Bieber should lose his career, or he should die or whatever. I just think that people should stop talking about him, rather it is hateful comments or praising comments. Just stop talking about him. Yes, he may be talented, but do we need some many accounts on Twitter that praise him or hate him? Seriously, there's like hundreds of accounts only for the purpose of praising or hating him. To be honest, I think it's a waste.

If you can tell me what makes those accounts worth keeping, then I may think differently, but right now, they're absolutely worthless. They just take up a waste of space. I'm sorry if I'm offending the people who make those accounts but you got to think about if it's worth it to have a "Justin Bieber Fan Twitter" account.

1 comment:

  1. This Trending Topic annoys me. It's just a bunch of pre-teen girls spamming Twitter hoping the "love of their life" will tweet back to them. They are abusing Twitter, and I hope the Twitter team does something about it soon. I don't think they should ban accounts, but they should not allow the topic to trend because of the amount of spam it encourages.
