Wednesday, May 5, 2010

RANT!: The Office (US TV Series) Losing It's Touch

Now, before all you "Office Fans" start to berate me, let me explain something. I love The Office. Both the UK and US versions. I even have the four seasons of the US versions on DVD. I did love the fifth season, but it didn't seem to get me like the other past four did.

Anyways, I'm here to speak about how The Office is losing it's touch. The first season is really hard to talk about because it's basically a remake of the first season of the UK version. But I did like it. (Especially the basket ball episode.) Now the second season is my absolute favorite. To me, it's the best season. Every episode had me laughing from beginning to end and every episode is memorable. The third season wasn't as good as the second season but, I still found it hilarious. About 85% of all the episodes in season three had me laughing hard.

Now, this is where I noticed when the shit hit the fan. Even though season four is good, I began to notice something. It seemed that it began to add a little bit more drama. (For example, the Jim and Pam relationship, the break up of Dwight and Angela, and of course, the Andy and Angela relationship.) Now, there wasn't a lot of drama, but there was a tiny bit of it and that really put me off. Besides that, it's good as gold.

Now, I'm going to skip the other season and go to the season that it's on now. Now, we have so much drama going on. Ever since the Jim and Pam wedding and the birth of Jim and Pam's baby, it seemed to hit down hill from there. I think the birth of Jim and Pam's baby was when the show jumped the shark. We can't do marriages of other characters now because we know as the audience that we already had one. We wouldn't need another. Same thing goes for the birth.

So, will I continue watching the show? No. The show is like food. At first, it's fresh and later when it becomes ripe, it's good. But over the years, the food will rot into something we don't need to see.

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