Monday, April 19, 2010

TV Show Reveiw: Pure Pwnage (TV Series)

When it comes to video games, we don't think of television shows. Sure, maybe we have 'X-Play', 'Electric Playground', 'Reviews on the Run', and a few other shows on G4, but what about a show that doesn't review games but is instead, about a life of a pro gamer? Well, that's where 'Pure Pwnage' comes in.

The show revolves around a life of a pro gamer named Jeremy or 'teh_pwnerer' (Played by Jarett Cale) who spends most of his time playing video games and "pwning n00bs" online. His younger brother, Kyle (Played by Geoff Lapaire) films Jeremy for the show. We never get to actually see Kyle since he is behind the camera filming Jeremy, but he does talk to Jeremy giving that mockumentary feel and making the show seem realistic.

Of course, Jeremy has friends in the show. We have Doug or 'fps_doug' who is Jeremy's best friend and as his name suggests, he plays FPS games. A most defining characteristic for Doug is when he gets headshots in FPS games. He says "Boom, headshot!", which became extremely popular around the web and in online games. With the addition of Doug, the show becomes more hilarious. His actions are so over the top that it's just awesome.

The next character we have is October (Played by Melanie Scrofano). She is an employee of the Mouse & Pad and she's also a WoW (World of Warcraft) player. From watching the first episode, she is the love interest for Jeremy. If you watched the web series on their site, she's basically the role for Anastasia in the TV series.

And of course, we have one more friend of Jeremy. His name is Tyrel (Played by Eli Goree). Now if you watched the second season of the web series, then you know exactly that he is supposed to be a role of T-Bag in the TV series. Now as the fans know, the actor who played as T-Bag died in a car accident and he will be missed. But I think that Eli Goree does a very good job playing the character. He was hilarious in the 7th episode.

But wait, what about a TV version of Dave? Well, we may not get a Dave, but we get a new guy named Simon (Played by Simon Wong). Simon is the manager of The Mouse & Pad. His character may not have as many lines, but every line he say makes me laugh.

Overall, I found the TV series very good. I think it's a little bit better than the web series and I think it's a good match up. Now as far as I know, there isn't a season two planned. But don't lose hope! The Pure Pwnage guys say that they are still continuing the web series. So, if you can't get enough of the TV episodes, go to the website, to see the hilarious web episodes.

FrozenPortal, out!

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